The ''political divorce'' between Pas and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) will see a fierce battle among all political parties as they fight to win state and parliamentary seats in the upcoming 14th general election (GE14), said local political analysts.

According to them, Pas recent decision to call off the ''tahaluf siyasi'' (political cooperation) with PKR which had existed since the 11th general election would enliven the political arena which would now be more of a struggle to seek partners or to remain as a ''lone ranger'' in GE14.

UKM Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, geopolitics lecturer Prof Dr Mohd Fuad Mat Jali said the split would lead to three or four-cornered fights in parliamentary or state seats and this situation could not be avoided.

"The hard core supporters will be in favour of their respective parties be it UMNO, Pas or PKR. Normally in our study, the party with strong allies, such as the Barisan Nasional (BN) , will have a big chance of winning the contest.

"But do remember, Pas strongholds will definitely continue to remain united and strong and will no longer need to consider its partner''s'' feelings when it comes to selecting candidates or constituencies to contest in, as how it was previously. That''s the political game now," he told Bernama.

The Syura Council, Pas' highest decision making body, on Thursday, unanimously terminated the political cooperation with PKR with immediate effect citing PKR''s violations of the agreement which had been established between the two parties.

This decision by Pas' Syura Council was expected after Pas general assembly held recently in Alor Setar, Kedah unanimously approved a motion to end the political cooperation between the two parties after PKR was seen to show no respect for PAS as their ally.

Mohd Fuad pointed out that PAS which was known for its hard-working machinery would have no problem being on its own without the support of other parties, because their goal was to fight for Islam and not other personal agendas.

He said Pas would definitely be reclaiming seats which had been loaned to PKR such as Gombak and would be contesting in the constituencies which the party had been ''advised'' to just give their support.

Meanwhile, another political analyst Assoc Prof Datuk Dr Samsu Adabi Mamat also believed that developments in Selangor would be more dramatic following the split since Selangor Pas had decided to retain its three representatives in the state executive council.

"This is the strange thing about our politics which is becoming a pattern where a party will compete to show its strength to win the attention of the Malays. If any of them manage to get the help and support of other parties, they will definitely be powerful and be the one to form a government.

Meanwhile, National Council of Professors Governance, Law and Public Administration cluster head, Prof Dr Nik Ahmad Kamal Nik Mahmood said PAS move to cut ties with PKR was an early strategy in facing the GE14 without the help of partners and to move on its own.

"PAS has exercised its prerogative, a move which shows that they will not cooperate with PKR or Pakatan Harapan. This is a signal to its former allies in the opposition camp to plan their strategy without Pas," he said.

He did not rule out the possibility that this ''political divorce'' would only work to PAS and UMNO''s advantage looking at the momentum of support and the ability of their election machinery over the years.