Palanivel acted behind my back - Dr Subramaniam

Suganthi Suparmaniam
Januari 6, 2015 01:33 MYT
The RoS has ordered MIC to conduct fresh elections for its 23 CWC and the three vice-president positions within 90 days.
Breaking his silence over the latest fiasco in the MIC, party deputy president Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam said he was kept in dark over several important matters of the party.
In a statement, he revealed that he was shocked when he came to know party president Datuk Seri G. Palanivel had met the Registrar of Societies (RoS) without his knowledge.
He said at a meeting on Dec 18, it was agreed that Palanivel and Dr Subramaniam would meet the RoS to discuss few issues following its order for a re-election of its 2013 party polls.
He said it was also decided in the meeting that a committee be formed consisting party leaders and some of those who had complained of irregularities in the 2013 party polls.
“Since that day I have on many occasions sent text messages to the president requesting him to set up the committee and initiate discussions. I had requested to meet him,” he said.
“He had replied that he was busy with the issues in Cameron Highlands and after that he was going to India and would be free to meet me after returning from there. Recently he had said he had canceled his Indian trip and that we may be able to meet earlier. I have been waiting patiently,” he added.
Dr Subramaniam said he was shocked when he came to know Palanivel had met the RoS on Dec 24 together with Senator Bharath Maniam and had passed a letter to the director general of RoS on behalf of the party.
“I have no indications of the content of the letter. I also don't have any knowledge of the fact that the ROS had replied on the 31st to the issues raised in the letter of 24th,” he said.
He said he was also not aware that MIC had responded to the letter and had requested for an extended time.
He claimed MIC members were also kept in dark over the updates that took place until Palanivel issued a statement on Jan 4.
“There was no communication explaining these interventions,” he said.
He said some of the questions raised to him was why was the committee still not formed and why he or the party vice-presidents, secretary-general and treasurer not included in the meeting with RoS.
He said questions were also raised as in what capacity did Bharat Maniam follow the Palanivel to meet the RoS.
“Frankly I don't have the answers to these and many other questions directed to me. Only the president knows the answers,” he said.
“I still hope that good sense will prevail and the proposed consultations will still occur,” he added.
He also expressed his hope that the party will emerge stronger following the incident.
Yesterday, party vice-president Datuk M. Saravanan had met the RoS on the matter and the party was given an extension of up t0 120 days to resolve the matter.
Saravanan had also said that he will personally chair a special meeting to discuss the re-election if Palanivel does not it.
On Dec 5, 2014, MIC had been ordered by RoS to conduct fresh elections for its 23 CWC and the three vice-president positions within 90 days following an alleged misconduct and breach of party constitution and Society Act.
#Dr Subramaniam #MIC #Palanivel