MIC to register 50,000 new voters every six months

Mac 23, 2015 22:16 MYT
In the 13th general elections in 2013, MIC contested in nine parliamentary seats and 18 state seats but managed to win only four parliamentary seats and five state seats.
MIC aims to register 50,000 new voters with the Election Commission (EC) in every six months ahead of the 14th General Election.
MIC information chief L. said the target was to involve all parliamentary and state constituencies with .
He said a special team led by himself had been set up to ensure that the target would be achieved and to identify eligible voters who had yet to register with the EC.
"Efforts to increase the number of Indian voters to vote for Barisan Nasional is one of the key strategies of MIC. We cannot assume we are in a safe stage.
"In fact, MIC has gone to the ground to identify eligible voters to be registered with the EC so that they can cast their votes the next election," he told reporters here on Monday.
said MIC president Datuk Seri Palanivel would launch MIC's massive campaign to register new voters in Selangor next month.
"With proper work structure, we are confident to regain support from the Indian voters," he said.
In the 13th general elections in 2013, MIC contested in nine parliamentary seats and 18 state managed to win only four parliamentary seats and five state seats.
#14th general election #Barisan Nasional #Election Commission #G.Palanivel #L. Sivasubramaniam #MIC