MIC: Police report lodged over 'illegal' CWC meeting

Suganthi Suparmaniam
Jun 25, 2015 15:38 MYT
Mohan said he had lodged the report in his capacity as a CWC member.
Former MIC Youth leader Datuk T. Mohan lodged a police report over a scheduled Central Working Committee (CWC) meeting to be chaired by ‘ousted’ MIC president Datuk Seri G. Palanivel.
Mohan said Palanivel had no locus standi to call for the meeting as he is no longer an MIC member following his action in taking the party matters to court.
“Palanivel is neither the President nor is he a member to be calling for a CWC meeting. This is clearly a violation of the law and the directives of the ROS and it is my obligation to reprimand this act,” Mohan said in a press statement today after lodging the police report.
Mohan said the report was lodged in his capacity as a CWC member.
“Palanivel does not seem to be interested in the party and its members. He is only interested in protecting his position and that of his supporters. This has caused tremendous detriment to the party and its image,” Mohan claims.
“We shall not allow this. Elections will follow strictly as per ROS directives. The only way now is the way forward,” he added.
Earlier today, MIC deputy president Datuk Seri Dr. S. Subramaniam advised MIC members to stay away from the CWC meeting, scheduled to be held at Putrajaya, later in the evening.
Dr Subramaniam, who is also the party’s acting president now said the meeting is 'illegal' as it was organised by a non-party member.
READ: Dr. Subramaniam advises MIC members not to attend 'illegal' meeting
He said Palanivel’s membership had been revoked after he took party matters to court.
As per Article 91 of the MIC Constitution, Palanivel together with the other applicants of judicial review automatically ceased to be members of MIC.
READ: RoS agrees for MIC re-election - Dr Subramaniam
READ: MIC crisis: CWC kicks out Palanivel as president, Subra is acting president
Article 91 of MIC’s Constitution reads: “Every member shall be bound by the decision of the Central Working Committee in matters relating to his rights, obligations, duties and privileges as a member of the Congress. If he resorts to court proceedings in respect of his rights, obligations, duties and privileges or on behalf of any other member or in respect of the rendering or meaning of the provisions of this Constitution without first referring to the Central Working Committee or in violation of any decision or directive of the Central Working Committee he shall ipso facto cease to be a member of the Congress and shall not be entitled to exercise any of the rights of a member.”
#judicial review #MIC #Palanivel #ros #T. Mohan