MCA is not a racist party as it is a partner in the Barisan Nasional (BN) which has 13 other component parties representing all the races in the country, said MCA deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong.

He said even though MCA's membership was only open to the Chinese, it has been working with UMNO and MIC under an alliance since pre-independence days.

"Today, under BN, there are 13 parties and we fight not only for one race under this big family," he told reporters after opening MCA Youth's annual general assembly here on Saturday.

He was commenting on whether MCA would open its membership to other races like DAP.

"If you talk about DAP, how many constituencies (they won) are not based on the support of Chinese? They are a Chinese-based party even though they deny it," he said.

On MCA Youth, Wee said the party wing needed to master technology especially the social media in their campaign against the opposition to remain relevant in the community. -- BERNAMA