It's not too late for Pas to join Pakatan Harapan - PKR Youth

Rahimah Abdullah
Mei 20, 2017 13:09 MYT
He said the parties must put aside their differences as the main rival now is Barisan Nasional.
It's not too late for Pas to join Pakatan Harapan, said Kelantan PKR Youth leader Tarmizi Yusof.
He said the parties must put aside their differences as the main rival now is Barisan Nasional.
"Although we have cut all political ties with Pas, it is still not too late for Pas to rejoin Pakatan Harapan.
"We need to address the situation because our enemy is UMNO and BN. Why are we fighitng among ourselves," he said when debating PKR Youth chief's speech at the wing's national congress today.
He refuted claims that PKR did not lend its support for the RUU355 and said the party's de facto leader had given his support to strengthen syariah courts.
"Tahaluf siyasi with Pas has been severed. So, let us not go back to the past. History has taught us and we need to move forward," he said.
He also thanked PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail for calling on all its political appointees in the Kelantan government to step down.
"I also call on all not to talk about internal issues anymore and lets think about the candidates we want to put out to contest the coming general election," he said.
On May 16, Dr Wan Azizah ordered all PKR's political appointees in the Kelantan government to step down immediately.
She said this follows Pas’ decision to cut ties with the party last week.
Pakatan Harapan was formed on Sept 22, 2015 to replace the Pakatan Rakyat.
The coalition comprised three political parties – PKR, Democratic Action Party (DAP) and Parti Amanah Rakyat (Amanah).
READ: New Pakatan Harapan coalition formed
PKR had before this tried to get PAS to be part of the new coalition but the Islamic party had rejected the offer profusely, saying it could no longer work with “party traitors” and the DAP.
PAS had deemed Amanah as traitors for pinching its members from PAS, while the DAP had openly severed ties with PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang over the hudud issue.
#Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail #PKY Youth #Tarmizi Yusof