Former PAS vice-president Datuk Husam Musa expressed his readiness to face the party's disciplinary committee, following his criticism towards its leadership.

"I'm waiting for the official black and white to enable me to prepare and defend myself," said Husam in a statement.

He was responding to an announcement by PAS deputy president Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man that he would be referred to the party's disciplinary committee following a decision made by PAS' Central Working Committee meeting on Satuday.

Husam added that he would take full responsibility over the statements he made and will defend his actions during the committee's proceedings.

"At the same time, I will bring up to the committee about the things made by certain quarters in the party that contradicts not only the party's policies but Islam as well," he said.

Husam will be facing disciplinary actions as a result of his continuous statements deemed to be critical to the Islamist party.