DPM Ahmad Zahid outlines UMNO's winning strategies in book

November 29, 2016 18:32 MYT
Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi at the launch of his book 'Gendang Perang PRU-Strategi Kukuhkan Parti (GE War Cry - Enhancing Party Strategy)' during the 70th UMNO General Assembly at PWTC in Kuala Lumpur on Nov 29, 2016. -Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar
Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has outlined several strategies that needed to be executed by the UMNO machinery to ensure a win in the 14th General Election (GE14).
The strategies are listed in the book titled 'Gendang Perang PRU-Strategi Kukuhkan Parti (GE War Cry - Enhancing Party Strategy), written by the UMNO vice-president, who is entrusted to discharge duties of the deputy president.
The 101-page book which is written based on Ahmad Zahid's personal experience and observation of the scenario in the party, dwells on 10 main issues plaguing the party and members and measures to overcome them.
The issues are put under ten main subjects which are 'Kuasa Rakyat (People Power), Serentak Sederap (Move in Unison), Kesatuan Kelip-kelip (Firefly Unity), Politik Sate (Satay Politics), Berkongsi Tanggungjawab (Shared Responsibility), Turun Padang (Going to the Ground), Cah Keting (Sabotage), Hipster, Semangat Burung Helang (Eagle Spirit) and Budaya Selesa (Comfort Culture).
Ahmad Zahid said the issues were not extraordinary, but it still needed to be resolved in order to realise the unity among the members and to prepare the party for GE14.
Under 'Politik Sate' for instance, he touched on the negative attitude of some UMNO members who were willing to do anything to win posts in the party.
Such culture would not only split the party but also hurt those who worked hard for the party and the people, to the extend of losing the election.
Ahmad Zahid said to overcome this conflict, the members need to undertake nine measures, including to discard such political behaviour.
Earlier, he opened the media centre for the UMNO General Assembly which housed 1,193 media practitioners from 48 agencies including three international news agencies. --BERNAMA
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