Don't choose 'yes-men' as elected reps - Tun Mahathir

Hafiz Marzukhi
Jun 17, 2016 05:16 MYT
DR MAHATHIR: There is no point in electing somebody who will only go with whatever their leader tells them.
There is no point in choosing an elected representative who would only go with whatever their leader tells them, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed said.
"Why choose someone who only knows how to say yes? Yes, yes, yes. Might as well be a singer," the former premier said today.
He was referring to candidates which had been fielded by Barisan Nasional (BN) in the upcoming by-elections.
Dr Mahathir claimed that BN candidates would only follow their leader (Datuk Seri Najib Razak).
The former UMNO president said this in his speech during a meet the people session in Sekinchan this morning.
Also present were Parti Amanah Negara Sungai Besar by-election candidate Azhar Abdul Shukur, party president Mohamad Sabu and also DAP national advisor Lim Kit Siang.
Polling for both Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar by-elections would be held simultaneously tomorrow.
#elected representatives #Kuala Kangsar by election #Najib Razak #Sungai Besar by election #TUN DR MAHATHIR #Tun Mahathir