DAP may form a Chinese-centric party with MCA and Gerakan

Wan Syamsul Amly
Jun 17, 2015 22:01 MYT
DAP no longer wants to be friends with PAS and PKR. Although DAP realizes that they have never won many seats before joining PR, this time they will find new friends for the sake of power
The rift within Pakatan Rakyat (PR) which led to the departure of DAP from the coalition is seen as a stepping stone towards the formation of a Chinese-centric party.
Political analyst, Prof Dr Ahmad Atory Hussain said DAP may likely call upon MCA and Gerakan of Barisan Nasional (BN) to form a new alliance.
"DAP no longer wants to be friends with PAS and PKR. Although DAP realizes that they had never won many seats before joining PR, this time they will find new friends for the sake of power.
"DAP will consider their position especially in Penang apart from Selangor and Perak. It's time for DAP to take action to prove that they can go further with the spirit of the Chinese people," he said when contacted today.
Dr Ahmad Atory commented on the statement by DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng who announced that Pakatan Rakyat ceases to exist.
Pakatan Rakyat no longer exists, says DAP's Lim Guan Eng
Dr. Ahmad Atory explained that DAP aims to find a new ally by persuading MCA and Gerakan to join them.
"We know many Chinese support DAP. Although many are members of MCA or Gerakan, it is a well-known fact that they have voted for DAP during the elections.
"MCA and Gerakan actually have no power, over 90 percent of Chinese have expressed support for the DAP.
"Many Malays also support DAP. Over 50 DAP candidates in the previous General Election (GE) were Malays," he said.
#Ahmad Atory #DAP #GERAKAN #MCA