Conspiracy to oust PAS president brewing - Nik Abduh

Astro Awani
Mac 3, 2015 15:46 MYT
NIK ABDUH: Nobody can suppress the truth on the effort to oust PAS President, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang. - File Photo
The conspiracy to oust PAS President, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang has been brewing for a few years, said PAS Committee member, Nik Mohamad Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz.
The Pasir Mas MP on his Facebook wrote:
“We were the ones who began the fitnah (slander) and the crisis from the ‘foolish moves by PAS’ which tried to alienate my late father Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat from Hadi over the last few years.
“Does anyone wish to deny the sick-intended efforts? If one wants to deny, I will continue to withhold my firm stand on this mattert."
In the same statement, Nik Abduh also said that anyone is free to say according to his will but no one could stop the truth from being exposed.
“Anyone can vow for the revival of ukuhwwah Islamiyah. But in the end, no one can deny the fact that sometimes, such holy calls are designed to cover up the increasingly exposed dirt.”
Nik Abduh also issued a warning to those who set out to hurl fitnah.
"Slander is going to ‘sleep’ with God's will. When it is ‘awakened’, nobody can stop it. Let it go by and you just need to hold on to a ‘sturdy branch’. Personal safety is more important.
"Signs of God is clear. The more you brace yourself, the more you covered with dust and smoke. Thus 'Fear the fitnah..' by going back and obey to Allah, al Rasul and 'ulil amr minkum'. Sunnah al khulafa 'al Rasyidin is the guides through the ages, "he explained.
He also said there is some party want to challenge the PAS Committee member.
“To those who have challenged the PAS central committee for a debate, my response is that you already have the PAS president to debate with.
He urged to pledge allegiance to the leadership of the president and the direction of PAS’ struggle that is decided by the head and the Syura Ulama Council.
“My advice is to pledge allegiance to the leadership of the president and the direction of PAS’ struggle that is decided by the head and the Syura Ulama Council.
“Adherence to the leader is akin to the worship of Allah," he concluded.
#HADI AWANG #nik abduh #TGHH #TGNA