The revelationbyXavier Andre Justo implicating Malaysian opposition members and the foreign media shows a concerted effort to topple the government led by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, saysUMNO Veterans Club secretary, Datuk Mustapha Yaakub.

He said Justo's revelation that he had met Malaysian opposition leaders and representatives of the foreign media to sell confidential information regarding the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) could not be taken lightly as it was also an act to sabotage Malay leadership.

"By using the 1MDB issue, they have made Najib their target. When he is toppled, UMNO will also beparalysedand Malay power will end in this country," he told Bernama, Monday.

Recently, Thai police revealed that Malaysian opposition leaders and representatives of the foreign media met Justo, a former executive of PetroSaudi International Ltd in Singapore to buy confidential information.

Justo, 49, a Swiss national, was detained by the Thai police on June 22 for attempting to blackmail PetroSaudi.

The UMNO veteran said if Justo's allegations were true, the police and the government should take action against those involved.

Meanwhile, MCA veteran Datuk Yap Pian Hon said the people should not make baseless conclusions about the 1MDB issue asinvestigationswere still underway.

"Whether it is a conspiracy to topple the BN (Barisan Nasional) Government or not, that is up to the investigating team (to determine)," he said.

Yap did not rule out the possibility there were irresponsible parties which took advantage of the situation to spreadrumourspertaining to the 1MDB while investigations were being carried out.

Former Gerakan acting president Datuk Chang Ko Youn described the actions of The SarawakReport whichreported the 1MDB issue as biased with a hidden agenda to topple the BN government.

"The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission has acted wisely by blocking theirwebsite butthey still do not back down and the government should take sterner action against them," he said.