Pakatan's manifesto launch puts ball in BN's court

Astro Awani
Februari 25, 2013 15:09 MYT
The launch of Pakatan Rakyat's General Election manifesto, themed "Pakatan the hope of the people", has received its first reactions on Twitter.
While politicians from both sides of the divide begin their online skirmishes on the feasibility of the Opposition's election pledge, there were many from the public who expressed eagerness to see the Barisan Nasional version.

Nevertheless PR manifesto already read, now I'm waiting for BN's manifesto book, not just say "we maintain what we already done".

— Fared Isa (@fared_isa) February 25, 2013
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Pembangkang dah keluar manifesto. Kerajaan bila lagi? Cepat2 takkan tu pun ambil masa. Mcm mana nk ambik hati pengundi atas pagar mcm aku ni

— El Rin (@AzrinFazniAzmi) February 25, 2013
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Manifesto PR dah keluar. Pada aku ada yang bagus. Ada juga yang tak perlu dan bersifat populis.Tunggu pihak lagi satu plak.

— Acaii Jawe (@acaiijawe) February 25, 2013
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One user even suggested and challenged both sides to hold debates after having launched their respective election manifestos.

Lepas PR dan BN lancarkan manifesto, kena debat utk tahu manifesto siapa yg praktikal tau logik. X ke gitu? Ada branzz?

— wartamaya (@warta_maya) February 25, 2013
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There were also those who either expressed indifference or cynicism towards such a document, with comments saying that its obviously a voter fishing exercise.

u know when the 'pro' promising,its "pancingundi".but when the 'opposition' promising,its "Manifesto".sounds the same to me. #human

— JongWoonie ReXza (@rusydaregza) February 25, 2013
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On the BN side, a post by youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin has received a few hundred retweets. The Umno Youth head dismissed the Pakatan manifesto as "not worth the paper it's printed on" as he said the menteri besar of Selangor Khalid Ibrahim had allegedly said before that a manifesto is not a promise.

MB Selangor pernah kata "manifesto bukan janji". So whatever manifesto Pakatan has come up with is not worth the paper it's printed on.

— Khairy Jamaluddin (@Khairykj) February 25, 2013
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The same line of argument can be seen in other tweets by Barisan-friendly parties, who also argued that the Pakatan manifesto was akin to a "credit card" manifesto that "spend first" and borrow later. They also said that the proposed policies would be detrimental to the country's economy.
There were also tweets which alleged that there were certain election promises that Pakatan made in the 12th general election that were not fulfilled.

Manifesto PR: Manifesto Kad Kredit. Spend first, pay later. No money, borrow. - Nazri Aziz #fb

— Follow @PapaGomo (@PapaGomo) February 25, 2013
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Pakatan's manifesto to raise minimum pay will cost many Malaysian their jobs and many to go bankrupt…

— Barisan Nasional (@barisanasional) February 25, 2013
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— Mallaccra™ (@mallaccra) February 25, 2013
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On the other side of the fence, Pakatan politicians were all praises over its own product while there were also a few users who said they were impressed by it.
One Twitter user said he hoped that Pakatan Rakyat would be "morally obliged by it".

Lt Gen (B) Dato’ Abd Ghaffir Abd Hamid memulakan ucapan with tears. Take the hall by surprise, touched by d manifesto…

— Rafizi Ramli (@rafiziramli) February 25, 2013
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I am very impressed by the PR manifesto. Very clear and quite realistic! Love that there will be a PLUS like highway from Kuching to KK

— Hazri (@hazri) February 25, 2013
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Guessed its alright for #PR to pledge so many specific things in their latest manifesto.Just hope they morally obliged by it @barisanasional

— Ali Abu Bakar (@tansriali) February 25, 2013
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#GE13 #Manifesto #Pakatan Rakyat