Opposition arrogant for turning down appearance on RTM

Mac 30, 2013 12:27 MYT
Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim today described the opposition pact as arrogant for turning down the government's offer to present its election manifesto over Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM).
"The opposition's arrogant attitude has been registered in the minds of the Malaysian people. There's an old saying that goes 'orang berbudi, kita berbahasa' (we should appreciate and return good deeds done by others to us), but the opposition simply said no, rejected the deeds, without even bother to enough explanation."
He said this to reporters after attending Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin's 'Ramah Mesra' meeting with Pos Malaysia Berhad staff here today.
On March 22, Rais offered all political parties a 10-minute slot over RTM to present their respective manifesto.
However, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, on March 25, rejected the offer and Parti Keadilan Rakyat and PAS were also reported to have done the same.
"They should have taken the opportunity, but due to their arrogant attitude, they refuse to take it," he said.
Rais said he believed that the people would interpret the opposition's attitude when they cast their votes in the general election.
When asked on DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang's intention to run for Johor Jaya state seat after confirming that he would run for Gelang Patah parliamentary seat earlier, Rais said Lim's intention was akin to the Malay proverb, 'dapat betis hendak peha' (given the calf but coveting the thigh too) and that the people should reject a leader who had such voracious appetite for power.
Meanwhile, he said Pos Malaysia's sales had increased to RM1.5 billion last year from only RM1.1 billion in 2011.
As such, he said the Pos Malaysia's services in Sabah and Sarawak would be improved, especially in terms of supply, post community and mobile post office.
He said the increase in the number of post office representatives in the two states over the past three years had also contributed to the increase in its delivery standard.
#Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim #GE13 #General Election #political manifesto #RTM