MCA president will not be competing in GE13

Astro Awani
April 11, 2013 15:26 MYT
Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) president Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek will not be competing in the upcoming general election.
"I will be leading the charge in the election campaign running up to the polls but will not be offering myself as a candidate.
"This is in line with the renewal process to reinvent and reinvigorate the party and to groom new leaders to take charge," said Chua in a statement earlier.
He added that MCA will be assembling a team of candidates -- whereby nearly half of the candidates for the state and parliament seats to be new faces.
"The party is confident that the formidable team will be able to put up a good challenge."
He added that this is the first time that there is a full time party president.
Here is the full statement from MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.
The coming 13th General Election is a mother of all elections and the party has assembled a credible team of candidates.
Nearly half of the candidates for state and parliament will be new faces and the party is confident that the formidable team will be able to put up a good challenge.
I will be leading the charge in the election campaign running up to the polls but will not be offering myself as a candidate.
This is in line with the renewal process to reinvent and reinvigorate the party and to groom new leaders to take charge.
I became the party president after a protracted internal party crisis for two years.
After devoting full time in turning the party around, it is now more focused, united and the members are fuelled with better optimism and fighting spirit to face the general election.
I have been tirelessly embarking on projects and programmes to ensure MCA remains relevant and that we continue to receive support of the rakyat and to play a meaningful role in the government.
Today, I am walking the talk in allowing new and young leaders in the rejuvenation process so that the party will continue to remain relevant.
For all these fight and articulation that I have been talking, it would be very self serving if I were to declare myself as a candidate.
I want to proof a point that I am fighting for a cause, that MCA remains relevant and continue to lead the party without standing for elected public office.
In the history of MCA, this is the first time that there is a full time party president.
I wish to continue that role in the general election where I can campaign full time for Barisan Nasional candidates, particularly for MCA.
#Chua Soi Lek #GE13 #MCA