Could aliens have been responsible for the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370?

One in 10 Americans seemed to believe so.

This was the findings of a survey conducted by news channel CNN and market research company ORC International based on phone interviews with 1,008 adult Americans.

The survey was conducted from May 2 to 4, some two months after the disappearance of MH370 which was en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur.

In the survey, 52 percent of the respondents believed that the general public will find out about what happened and 46 percent say it will remain a mystery.

Two-thirds of the respondents say the pilot or crew members were involved in the disappearance of the plane while 42 percent think hijackers were the culprits.

On the possible location of flight MH370, 51 percent say it is located in the Indian Ocean while 46 percent believe it is located far from the search site.

The majority of respondents want the search operation to continue. Meanwhile, only 26 percent said the Malaysian government has done a good job managing the situation and providing information to the public.

On May 5, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak expressed Malaysia's resolve to continue the search for the MAS flight that has been missing since March 8.

He said the country would carry on with the search for the Boeing 777-200 aircraft with the assistance of several other countries despite having nothing to show.