MH370: Houston optimistic aircraft will be found soon

T K Letchumy Tamboo
April 9, 2014 06:53 MYT
Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC) head Angus Houston.
Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC) head Angus Houston said he is optimistic that Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370 will be found very soon.
He said he was pessimistic about it before this but he has become more confident of finding the aircraft now.
"I'm now optimistic that we will find the aircraft, or what's left of the aircraft, in the not too distant future," he said.
However, Houston cautioned that it is a very challenging business to locate the aircraft.
"I would just like to have that hard evidence, photograph evidence, that the pieces of aircraft down there, to know that that is the final resting place of MH370," he said.
Location of areas where the ADV Ocean Shield detected signals that are believed to be closely linked to the missing aircraft.
To date, the Australian Defence Vessel, Ocean Shield, has detected a total of four signals that are believed to be closely linked to the aircraft.
Before this, Houston had said that the search and rescue team will not deploy submersibles onto the seabed unless another transmission is received.
#Angus Houston #jacc #MH370 #Ocean Shield #SAR #search mission