Briton David Atthowe who walked 300 kilometres from Singapore to Malacca in remembrance of the missing Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Flight MH370 on March 8, arrived in Malacca yesterday.

Accompanied by radio deejay Rishiwants Singh (Rishi The Flying Singh) and musicians Dya Singh and Vic Briggs via the programme 'Good Will Walk 2014', Atthowe arrived in Jalan Temenggong at 6.50pm after starting the trip on May 17.

Flight MH370, with 239 people aboard, left KL International Airport at 12.41am on March 8 and disappeared from radar screens about an hour later while over the South China Sea.

It was to have arrived in Beijing at 6.30am that same day.

A multinational search was mounted for the Boeing 777-200 aircraft, first in the South China Sea and then, after it was learnt that the plane had veered off course, in the southern Indian Ocean.

After an analysis of satellite data indicated that the plane's last position was in the middle of the Indian Ocean, west of Perth, Australia, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced on March 24 thatFlight MH370 'ended in the southern Indian Ocean'.

Atthowe, who speaks fluent Malay, said he had to endure many challenges, including physical injuries such as sprained ankles, blisters and cramps.

However, the injury was not an obstacle and he managed to complete the walk because of the challenge and aim to collect RM50,000 for the less fortunate.

"I also had the opportunity to mingle with various communities and participants of all races without any prejudice besides being able to learn the culture of each ethnic group," said Atthowe who is from Norwich City, England.

The programme organised by a NGO known as United Sikhs required participants to walk at least 35 kilometres a day or about 10 hours starting from Singapore before reaching Pontian, Batu Pahat, Muar and
finishing in Malacca.

Atthowe had previously walked from Johor to Perlis last February, covering 1,100 kilometres.