Women warned not to upload indecent images on social media

Mac 6, 2016 00:54 MYT
It seems that the number of women who uploaded indecent images on Facebook and Instagram has reached an alarming level.
Women should not upload their indecent images onto social media networking sites to avoid exploitation by others.
This warning came from the Malaysian Association of Women Empowerment (MyWomen) after more women dared to upload such images.
"The number of women who uploaded indecent images on Facebook and Instagram has reached an alarming level," said MyWomen president Datuk G. Geethanjali.
MyWomen on Saturday launched a programme titled 'Social Media Ethics: How Much is Too Much' to teach women about the right procedures when using the social media.
Held with the cooperation of Puteri MIC, it included providing counselling to target groups in the Indian community.
#social media and women's body image #social media and women's issues #social media women empowerment #social media women's rights