Widow of Mina stampede victim receives Socso aid

Oktober 7, 2015 17:40 MYT
Zulkifly was the only Malaysian among the more than 700 pilgrims who were killed in a stampede in Mina on Sept 24 during the Haj pilgrimage. - AP Photo / Mosa'ab Elshamy
The Social Security Organisation (Socso) today handed over aid to the widow of Malaysian pilgrim Zulkifly Samad who was killed in the recent stampede in Mina.
Socso senior general manager of human resources Che Hamid Che Ahmad presented the aid, which covered a benefit of RM1,500 for funeral expenses, to the widow, Suriahanim Abd Hamid, 40.
He said Suriahanim would also receive a monthly survivors' pension.
"Since her husband's employer is registered with Socso, the next-of-kin, that is the widow, is entitled to receive these benefits," he said after handing over the aid to Suriahanim at her home here.
Suriahanim, who is a Socso senior account executive, also received RM3,000 in funeral expenses under the Socso service terms and conditions.
Zulkifly was the only Malaysian among the more than 700 pilgrims who were killed in a stampede in Mina on Sept 24 during the Haj pilgrimage. He was 50.
#funeral #pension #pilgrim #SOCSO #Zulkifly Samad