Why the quest for justice over MH17?

Dr Chandra Muzaffar
Ogos 10, 2019 19:26 MYT
While some governments and groups have welcomed the charges against the four, others have expressed deep concern over the move. - Filepic
ON the 19th of June 2019 the Chief Constable of the Netherlands National Police, Wilbert Paulissen, told the media that international arrest warrants will be issued for four individuals --- 3 Russians and 1 Ukranian --- for murder for shooting down a Malaysia Airlines flight, MH 17, on the 17th of July 2014.The suspects will be put on trial in the Netherlands in March 2020.
While some governments and groups have welcomed the charges against the four, others have expressed deep concern over the move. Right from the outset, some of us have questioned the investigation, the manner it was conducted, the exclusion of important data, and the unwillingness of the investigating team to raise critical questions about the motive behind the downing of the aircraft. Specifically, the geopolitical dimensions of the 17th July episode appear to have been concealed or cleverly camouflaged.
It is because the entire truth about the MH 17 tragedy that killed all 298 people on board has yet to be revealed that some of us feel that an attempt should be made to explore fundamental issues related to the tragedy before the four suspects are tried in the Netherlands. Hence this conference in Kuala Lumpur which aims to examine the findings of the Netherlands led investigation. The strengths and weaknesses in the findings will be laid bare. An action plan that addresses the international community will then be formulated based upon our analysis. This plan will be widely disseminated.
It is hoped that a proper evaluation of the Dutch-led investigation and the execution of an action plan will bring us closer to the truth and therefore ensure that a modicum of justice is done to the victims of the tragedy. Indeed, the conference itself will provide a platform to the families of the victims, particularly those residing in Malaysia.
This modest endeavor to uphold the truth and to remain faithful to justice on the part of civil society groups such as the International Movement for a Just World (JUST), the Perdana Global Peace Foundation (PGPF) and Global Research is yet another reminder of the role that citizens should play especially at this juncture of history when the lives of people are so easily sacrificed at the altar of the geopolitics of power.
#Dr Chandra Muzaffar #Kolumnis AWANI #KolumnisAWANI #Malaysia Airlines #MH17 #Netherlands #quest for justice #shooting down of MH17 #Wilbert Paulissen