Visitors to non-complying hypermarket do not need health screening

Jun 4, 2020 12:48 MYT
JKNS today denied allegations that it had directed visitors to a hypermarket in Section 13, to undergo health screening tests. - Filepic/REUTERS
The Selangor State Health Department (JKNS) today denied allegations that it had directed visitors to a hypermarket in Section 13 here, to undergo health screening tests, said director Datuk Dr. Sha'ari Ngadiman.
He added an order was only issued for the hypermarket to be closed since last Monday after it was found to be not complying with the standard operating procedure (SOP) stipulated under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Disease Act 1988.
"A viralled photograph which claimed the Ministry of Health (MOH) had instructed visitors who had been to the hypermarket to undergo health screening tests is fake," he said when contacted here today.
A picture on the closure notice of the hypermarket by MOH went viral on social media for asking customers who had visited the premises to undergo health screening tests.
Meanwhile, the hypermarket through its official Facebook page announced that the business premises has now reopened under the normal operating hours with health safety measures in place as recommended by MOH.
#Dr Sha'ari Ngadiman #health screening tests #hypermarket #JKNS #Ministry of Health #MOH #Section 13 #Selangor State Health Department #standard operating procedure #visitors