Very high chance of unrest during Bersih 4.0 - Nur Jazlan

Sathesh Raj
Ogos 27, 2015 06:06 MYT
NUR JAZLAN: I really hope Malaysians are not fooled into taking part in the illegal Bersih 4.0 rally because the is a very high probability of unrest.
There may be a high probability of unrest during the Bersih 4.0 rally this weekend, cautioned Deputy Home Affairs Minister Nur Jazlan Mohamed.
According to Nur Jazlan, the ministry is not ruling out the possibility of anarchy groups creating havoc during the rally scheduled to take place on Saturday and Sunday.
“The provocation is aimed at blaming the police, as the use of force on the participants of the illegal rally will increase hate towards the authorities and the government,” said Nur Jazlan in a statement today.
He said 4,000 police personnel will be mobilized to maintain peace and public safety during the rally.
The illegal rally which will take place at several locations in Kuala Lumpur apart from Kuching, Sarawak and Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, costs millions of ringgit to the government due to the need of mobilising a large number of police officers and equipment to monitor the rally.
He said what is more saddening is when the participants are exploited and used by the opposition as a political tool to topple the government.
Nur Jazlan said, if people do not trust the Barisan Nasional (BN) government anymore, they only have to wait another two years before the 14th General Election (GE) is held.
Nur Jazlan said the motive of the illegal rally by invoking the spirit of the National Day celebration is only for the vested interests of some parties which had clearly disregarded the rights of other peace loving Malaysians.
"I really hope Malaysians are not fooled into participating in the illegal Bersih 4.0 rally because there is a very high probability of unrest.
“This is because we do not know the background of the participants of the rally which may consist of those who wish to take the opportunity to cause chaos.
“It is for this reason that the police had not agreed to the demonstration method this time as no one can be clearly held accountable for injuries and damage of properties,” said Nur Jazlan.
#Bersih 4.0 #GE #Nur Jazlan Mohamed