Value country's success, dismantle prejudices - Najib

Ogos 7, 2013 14:10 MYT
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has called on Malaysians to always appreciate and preserve the peace and prosperity the country is enjoying and dismantle prejudices against each other to ensure continued stability.
He said it was imperative for the people to realise that building and maintaining a stable nation as what Malaysia is today, was not easy.
In fact, in the context of Islam, he said national unity cannot be achieved if there was no concord among Muslims, while incessant polemics would only be detrimental to all parties.
In his Hari Raya 2013 message, Najib acknowledged that the people in the country could still celebrate the occasion in peace, free from wars, conflicts or natural disasters that besieged Muslims in certain countries.
"So on such special occasions as this, for the sake of our beloved country, foster and continue to sow the seeds of unity among us," he said.
Najib also called on Malaysians to learn from the destruction and upheavals in some countries due to extremist beliefs.
Meanwhile, the prime minister also urged Muslims in the country not to deviate from Islamic teachings based on the Ahli Sunnah Wal-Jamaah sect.
"I urge all Muslims to be vigilant and be alert against being deceived by deviant ideologies being spread to destroy the traditional Islamic practice in Malaysia," he said.
Najib said the Muslims in the country should understand that the declaration of the Ahli Sunnah Wal-Jamaah as the country's official mazhab (sect) was aimed at ensuring the sanctity of the faith and for Islamic syariah to be advocated and defended to maintain Muslim unity.
The prime minister also urged Malaysians to start anew, and in the spirit of Hari Raya, to open the door of their hearts and homes in goodwill and sincerity.
He further urged Malaysian to be appreciative of the country's soldiers particularly those at the frontline as well as members of the security forces who risk their lives to safeguard the peace and sovereignty of the nation.
Before concluding his speech, he also took the opportunity to seek forgiveness on behalf of himself, his wife and family members if they had offended anyone and said he prayed that Malaysians could celebrate this Eid in joy with their loved ones.