Ustaz Kazim says sleep only comes naturally on expressway

November 13, 2016 16:08 MYT
He said he would request the doctor's permission to go for a drive to reduce stress and get some sleep when he was warded at a private hospital here on Saturday.
Renowned independent preacher Datuk Ustaz Mohammad Kazim Elias has admitted to experiencing extreme stress which makes it tough for him to fall asleep - except on the expressway!
He said he would request the doctor's permission to go for a drive to reduce stress and get some sleep when he was warded at a private hospital here on Saturday.
"Five doctors who treated me said I was experiencing stress and lack of rest which made it difficult to sleep, including before I was admitted to the hospital.
"I'd go to the expressway at 11pm when I was at the hospital, I slept at the rest and recreation areas in Gopeng, Simpang Pulai and Tapah and return to the hospital at 4am.
"I don't know why I can fall asleep when I enter the car even before reaching a toll plaza or expressway, but it is difficult to do so at home or the hospital despite being given the strongest sleeping pill," he told reporters at an Umrah Briefing with Datuk Ustaz Kazim Elias here today.
On his health status, Mohammad Kazim, who was discharged from the hospital on Thursday, said doctors confirmed he was suffering from ulcer and intestinal bleeding.
The man, renowned for his casual ceramah delivery also said his health woes resulted in his weight dropping to 64.5kg yesterday, from 69kg three weeks ago.
In this regard, he planned to reduce his ceramah activity next year, other than wanting to focus on visit programmes abroad.
The founder and principal of the Al Bakarah Education Centre in Manjoi, which he personally financed at RM170,000 a month to operate, said he would step down from the post which he held since 10 years ago.
In February, he was admitted to the Universiti Sains Malaysia Hospital in Kubang Kerian after complaining of fatigue and chest pains while delivering a ceramah in Bachok, Kelantan. -- BERNAMA
#ceramah #expressway #extreme stress #fall asleep #Ustaz Kazim Elias