Is unity Federal Cabinet only best serving on the menu?

Amerul Azry Abdul Aziz
Ogos 17, 2021 08:29 MYT
When the rise in unemployment and sudden poverty scares us, especially those whose job durability is uncertain, politicians are highly wished to quickly mend the problem even if it takes them to be in a bipartisan venture. - REUTERS
KUALA LUMPUR: WHEN the politicians are thinking of next steps for their political survival, we, the regular people, are calculating the remaining money in our bank accounts.
The unemployed want to be aided economically with their lost jobs being restored for them so that they can buy adequate foods for their families with the money they would earn.
Many of us, especially those who are interested in politics, do not really care about how the politicians play their games as long as whoever leads the government is credible enough to cause prosperities to the people’s economy.
When the rise in unemployment and sudden poverty scares us, especially those whose job durability is uncertain, politicians are highly wished to quickly mend the problem even if it takes them to be in a bipartisan venture.
This pandemic won’t be simply healed if the politicians do not hold each others’ hands to affiliate themselves in a political unity that would be the last hope left for this country to fruitfully win the recovery plans.
But the question is, can those elected politicians be sitting down together to mould a joint cooperation?
Imaginatively speaking, if there would be a new unity cabinet succeeding the previous one, the national recovery plan that had been advocated by the Senator Tengku Zafrul, when he was the finance minister, might be replaced with the new one.
The new government, as hoped, must instantly focus on delivering implementable recovery plans that can enable us to escape from this haunting pandemic that is now getting worse.
To have the “implementable plans”, the new number-one chief of the federal cabinet must not just be experienced in governing the country, but also capable of orchestrating a grand national policy with new multi-party ministers being highly reliable to constructively translate it into immediate actions.
The arrival of the newly-formed government would be pointless if the cabinet positions would be still held by politicians whose credibility, competency and sweet-talks are doubtful that they could drag us to another episode of frustration.
#Malaysia #government #economy #Tengku Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz #politics #English News