Two men fined for dishonest concealment of money

Jun 5, 2020 16:45 MYT
The charges against them were made under Section 424 of the Penal Code, which provides an imprisonment for up to five years, or fine, or both, upon conviction.
A trader and an unemployed were fined RM10,000 and RM6,000, respectively, by the Sessions Court here today, for dishonestly concealing money belonging to others three years ago.
Judge Nariman Badruddin meted out the fine on the two men after they pleaded guilty to the charge, which involved two separate cases.
In the first case, trader Muhammad Fadhli Afiq Rohizat, 26 was fined RM10,000, in default 20 months’ jail, for concealing RM20,000 belonging to one Mohd Rozi Ibrahim, 53, by depositing the money in his (accused) Bank Rakyat account.
The offence was committed at 5.14 pm on July 27, 2017, at Taman Murni, Jalan Melang, here.
As for the unemployed man, Muhammad Khirul Anwar Mohd Darus, 22, he was charged with committing a similar offence involving RM4,300 belonging to one Norasyima Mohd Saad, 35, by depositing the money into his Agro Bank account at 7.44 pm on June 15, 2017 at the SMK Tunku Muhammad Teachers’ Quarters here.
Nariman fined him RM6,000, in default 12 months’ jail.
The charges against them were made under Section 424 of the Penal Code, which provides an imprisonment for up to five years, or fine, or both, upon conviction.
Deputy public prosecutor Mohamad Fuad Ramlan prosecuted in both cases, while both the accused were unrepresented. - BERNAMA
#dishonest concealment of money #Kuala Pilah #Negeri Sembilan #trader #unemployed #were fined