Tuanku Muhriz calls on government leaders, rakyat to unite, together defend country

Januari 14, 2021 05:04 MYT
Tuanku Mukhriz also reminded the people of various races, religions and from various cultures to always work together and set aside differences to maintain harmony in the community. - BERNAMA
SEREMBAN: The Yang Dipertuan Besar of Negeri Sembilan Tuanku Muhriz Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Munawir today called on government leaders at all levels and the people to unite and always give their undivided loyalty, defend and protect the country, especially in facing the challenges of COVID-19.
"In realising the impact of the pandemic on the economy, I also urged the state government to remain strong in steering the state administration and creatively devise a more dynamic strategy in developing the state towards economic recovery," he said.
Tuanku Muhriz said this in a statement that was issued in conjunction with his 73rd birthday today.
Tuanku Muhriz said he was proud of the government's success in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Compared with countries that are considered more advanced in terms of expertise and health system, the success of controlling the spread of COVID-19 in Malaysia is very impressive.
"I am proud and appreciate very much the commitment and dedication shown by all health frontliners, the police and military personnel, as well as volunteers from private agencies and non-governmental organisations and also individuals who have provided assistance in various ways," he added.
He also called on the people to appreciate and be grateful for the swift action taken by health agencies in the country in laying the plans and strategies to ensure the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic could be contained.
Meanwhile, Tuanku Mukhriz also reminded the people of various races, religions and from various cultures to always work together and set aside differences to maintain harmony in the community.
“This spirit of unity should be practiced by the community at all times and not just in crisis situations," he added.
He also called on the people to make hygiene and cleanliness a culture.
"From my observation, there are some people who took lightly the importance of cleanliness by disposing rubbish wherever they like.
“The quality of waste management system should be improved, but it is not a real solution because what is more important is the society’s attitude towards cleanliness.
“To ensure hygiene and cleanliness become a culture in the society, exposure should begin with children, as early as when they are in preschool and at home, and continued until they finish school, “ he said.
Tuanku Muhriz also congratulated all the recipients of the state awards and medals, which, he said, should be safeguarded as they are closely linked to the dignity of the Negeri Sembilan royal institution.
"Therefore, every recipient is entrusted to ascertain the nobility and recognition bestowed by safeguarding their image, manners, behaviour and personality ," he added.
#Negeri Sembilan #COVID-19 #economy #health #government #crisis #Yang Dipertuan Besar #Tuanku Muhriz Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Munawir