Three mothers finally receive citizenship documents for their children

Februari 21, 2022 20:55 MYT
Three mothers, whose children were born abroad, can finally breathe a sigh of relief after they finally received their children's citizenship documents from the National Registration Department at the department's headquarters here today. - BERNAMA
PUTRAJAYA: Three mothers, whose children were born abroad, can finally breath a sign of relief after they finally received their children's citizenship documents from the National Registration Department at the department's headquarters here today.
There was some last-minute drama, however, as the department's printer system suffered a failure initially, which would have delayed the handing over of documents today.
According to Family Frontiers Malaysia president Suriani Kempe, all three mothers were given appointments at the department's headquarters at 2.30 pm today to receive their children's documents but at 5 pm they were informed that there was a problem with the system and they were given a period of 14 days to return to receive the documents.
"Luckily, a department officer later informed all three of them that they would be receiving their documents today," Suraini, who represented the three mothers, told reporters who had showed up to wait at the department headquarters since 2 pm to follow the developments of this issue.
All three mothers received their respective documents at around 6.20 pm.
Last Dec 29, the three mothers had showed up at the department to begin the process of for the process of obtaining citizenship documents to enable them to apply for Malaysian identification cards - MyKid or MyKad - for their children.
This follows the Appeals Court's decision on Dec 22 rejecting the government's appeal and ordering the government to issue citizenship documents to the children, who were born abroad by their mothers, who are Malaysian citizens.
Adlyn Adam Teoh, who has spent an entire decade fighting for her son, was very thankful to the government, which finally acknowledged her son as a Malaysian citizen.
"Today is a very meaningful day for me. I am grateful because justice has been served.
"Currently, only three mothers have obtained citizenship for our children. What about the other mothers who are still waiting and facing similar problems?" she said.
Adlyn, who is from Satok, Sarawak, said although she has received the documents, she intends to wait for the department's call tomorrow to ensure the document details have been uploaded into the department's system.
Meanwhile, Myra Eliza Mohd Danil and the other mother who wished to be identified only as Devi also expressed their relief and thanks that their struggle to obtain the documents was finally over.
"Alhamdulilah, I feel a bit less burdened. I have been fighting for this issue since my child was four, now they're eight. Thank you, (Department of Registration)," kata Myra Eliza.
#Three mothers #received #children's citizenship documents #National Registration Department #English News