The result of the public inquiry report on the incident during the Bersih 3.0 rally will be given to the authorities for the purpose of improvement.

The Inquiry Panel Chairman, Datuk Dr Khaw Lake Tee said it was to ensure that the police did not over-react to and against the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012.

According to her, the result of the inquiry summary found that there are participants who were arrested by the police while in a particular premises even though they have left the rally.

However she said the participants and regulators have to respect each other’s rights.

"Participants need to respect the law and to respect the fact that the police too have a role in maintaining peace," she said

"You have the right to speak and assemble, but it should be balanced," she told reporters after reciting the inquiry findings.

The inquiry found that the police had violated several human rights including the detention of protesters, media freedom and freedom of speech.

Lake Tee added, the investigation also found that the use of language in the guidelines provided by the rally organizers could encourage participants to violate the law.

At the same time, Lake Tee said the public inquiry might be different if the police gave full cooperation.

"There is a possibility if the police give the witness who can answer all charges from the early investigation may be different and it is very difficult for us to emphasize the results of the investigation are based on the information provided," she said.

During the inquiry, a panel of three members of the commission had called 49 witnesses comprised of members of the public, media practitioners, police and experts.

The inquiry which took place during the 29 days was to identify any violations of human rights during the Bersih 3.0 rally.