JOHOR BAHRU:Johor Health Department (JKNJ) director Dr Aman Rabu has attributed the drop in the number of dengue cases since the Johor Fights Against Dengue 2020 campaign was launched on Aug 23 to its stricter enforcement.

He described the initiative as a success when weekly reported cases showed a downward trend, with 261 cases reported in the 39th epidemiological week compared to 279 cases the week before.

He said the individual premises enforcement operation (OPPI) was one of the main activities carried out under the Destruction of Disease-Bearing Insects Act 1975 aimed at making the public aware and be jointly responsible in preventing dengue outbreaks.

"The OPPI is an integrated operation involving other agencies like the local authorities and police and, so far, 49 such operations have been carried out statewide.

"If Aedes breeding spots are found in the premises, a compound of RM500 will be imposed while a fine of up to RM10,000 or a jail term not exceeding two years or both will be imposed by the court for failure to pay the compound,” he said in a statement today.

Commenting further, Dr Aman said JKNJ conducted OPPI activities in the dengue outbreak area of Taman Perling after residents there refused to give their full cooperation to inspection efforts despite the area having recorded 219 cases since Sept 26.

"In the operation conducted today, a total of 177 health personnel statewide were mobilised and 1,507 premises checked. Of the total, 20 (1.3 per cent) premises were found to have Aedes breeding receptacles.

"In public places, we also found 25 such receptacles, including discarded plastic containers and flower pots, as well as another 1,461 receptacles with the potential of being Aedes breeding spots,” he said.

A total of 9,396 dengue cases involving 35 deaths have been reported in Johor from Jan 1 to Sept 30.