Stop giving perpetrators access to our children

Suganthi Suparmaniam
Januari 4, 2017 01:55 MYT
Proud parents have been sharing photos of their children on social media sites since the new session of school opened on Jan 3. - fotoBERNAMA / File
Since the 2017 school session began, proud parents have been posting images of their children - some in tears, carrying school gears, on social media like Facebook and Instagram.
As the dutiful aunt, friend and Godmother, I am inclined to hit the Like button the very least or comment on how well they have grown and how fast time has passed.
Yet, as each photo appears on my news feed, I am troubled as to how easily we can fall prey to perpetrators and paedophiles who can have easy access to these images.
By checking in the location and sharing photos of children in their school uniform, most parents do not realise just how much information they are giving away.
The French government in February last year had warned parents to stop sharing photos of their children on social media sites.
Those found guilty could face penalties of up to a year in prison and a fine of €45,000 (RM196,208) if convicted of publicising intimate details of their children without their consent.
Do we need such legislature to be in place for parents to understand the seriousness of their actions and the consequences?
Surely, we need not be reminded of the many horror stories of child kidnapping and missing children in the country.
Let's stop making ourselves and our children vulnerable to such crimes and stop giving access to perpetrators and paedophiles to our children.
#Facebook #Instagram #photos #social media