Special squad formed to trace tabligh members who refused screening - IGP

Fareez Azman
Mac 21, 2020 17:36 MYT
ABDUL HAMID: So far, the PDRM has identified 7,671 tabligh members who participated in the rally.
Following the rise of COVID-19 cases linked to a cluster of tabligh attendees at the Seri Petaling Mosque over the past few days, the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) has set up a special squad to trace the remaining congregants who had refused health screening nationwide.
Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Bador said 7,671 of the attendees had been traced and undergone health tests.
"The PDRM has set up a task force led by the director of the Bukit Aman Criminal Investigation Department (JSJ) who is responsible for investigating and collecting information from the public.
“Members of public can call the police if their neighbour is known to be one of the attendees but had locked himself at home and refused to go to hospital.
"Acting on the information, the police will investigate the matter and bring it to the attention of the Ministry of Health (MOH) who would then rush a team to the house.
“Many such cases were based on information from the public. I really appreciate this as it makes the job of the special squad easier.
“So far, the PDRM has identified 7,671 tabligh members who participated in the rally," he said in an interview on the Buletin AWANI Khas here today.
Abdul Hamid said if it is found that they are still others who refused to go for health screening and continued to hide, action will be taken for their continued defiance.
#Abdul Hamid Bador #Bukit Aman #COVID-19 #PDRM #police #seri petaling mosque #tabligh a #tabligh attendees