Kamarmahtum Abdul Wahab met up with the Malaysian High Commisioner in London, Datuk Seri Zakaria Sulong at 4:30pm (local time) on Wednesday to discuss the possibility of meeting her sister Siti Aishah Abdul Wahab.

However, there is only a slim chance for the meeting to happen and the alternative is for a letter from Kamarmahtum be given to her.

AWANI’s Magazine Editor, Zan Azlee Zainal Abidin left for London on Tuesday to accompany Kamarmahtum Abdul Wahab who is his aunt in a mission to meet and possibly bring back Siti Aishah Abdul Wahab.

Siti Aishah, 69, was one of three women who were rescued by British police from slavery at a house in Lambeth, London.

She and the other two women – a British and an Irish aged 30 and 57 respectively, had been made slaves by a couple who was also part of a Maoist sect in Britain.