Shalwati admits to smacking Ammar once in Sweden

Linawati Adnan
Mac 5, 2014 11:45 MYT
Shalwati Nor Shal admitted to hitting her eldest son Ammar on one occasion in their home in Spanga, Stockholm, when he threw a tantrum after a fight with his sister, Aisyah.
She said that she had to smack him then, on the shoulder, just to calm him down. At that time, she explained, Ammar seemed more surprised with the smacking rather than in a state of pain.
The beginning of the eighth day of trial today saw Shalwati testifying at the Solna District Court before chief judge Mattias Moller.
The hearing tabled the claims made by her children, one item at a time, following the testimonial videos shown in court last week.
Shalwati admitted to being a stern mother and a disciplinarian in the house and she denied violating the integrity of her children.
She denied all claims made by Ammar as she repeatedly stated that all the charges mentioned by Ammar in the video were exaggerated.
According to a family friend who attended the hearing, Shalwati seemed focused although she shed tears twice when talking about her children.
Prosecutor Anna Arnell performed the questioning in Swedish which were then translated to English.
Azizul, an officer with Tourism Malaysia and his wife, Shalwati Nor Shal, a teacher on unpaid leave have been detained since Dec 2013 for allegedly abusing their four children in their home in Spanga, Sweden.
Their children Aisyah, 14, Ammar 12, Adam 11 and Arif 7, who are now under the care of their aunt in Kelantan were brought home from Sweden by Deputy Foreign Minister Datuk Hamzah Zainuddin, last month.
The trial which is expected to run for 10-days at the Solna District Court in Stockholm will see Shalwati and Azizul plea their innocence for violating the integrity of their children.
The court will rest and continue on 10 March.
#Azizul Raheem Awaluddin #child abuse #Shalwati Nor Shal #Sweden