Severed penis man awakes from coma

April 6, 2013 23:54 MYT
A man whose penis was severed by his son has awakened from coma and continues to be treated at the Sultanah Nur Zahirah Hospital (HSNZ) here.
State CID chief ACP K. Manoharan said the 67-year-old victim had awakened on Wednesday and is now reported to be stable after undergoing surgery to reattach the organ on March 24.
He said the suspect, 40, will have to go through another surgery due to poor recovery from the injury.
"The suspect has to undergo surgery soon because his wound has not recovered fully," he told reporters here today.
Manoharan said they are still awaiting for a full report from the hospital on the suspect's actual condition, after which an arrest and investigation can be carried out. On March 24, a factory supervisor severed his father's penis before slicing his own.
The 1.30am incident at their family home in Felda Kerteh 6, Ketengah Jaya Dungun, was believed to have stemmed over the assailant's influence from the internet over a false religious belief.
He was said to have been agressive and caned and assaulted his father before he grabbed a knife to cut off his father's penis.
#ACP K. Manoharan #penis #severed