School academic syllabus should be comparable to technical and vocational stream to produce creative students

Mei 21, 2017 22:13 MYT
It is necessary to boost the school academic syllabus and co-curriculum which can help students earn income after completing their schooling. - Photo for illustration purpose
The school academic syllabus should be comparable to the technical and vocational stream to produce more creative and highly skilled students, in line with the aspirations of the National Transformation 2050 (TN50).
1Malaysia Young Teachers Movement (GM1M) Kelantan chief, Husmira Hussin said the move would inculcate a culture, among the younger generation, of creating a job or career without relying on employment opportunities alone.
"For the next 20 years, the number of graduates will increase, resulting in more candidates looking for job opportunities that will be getting smaller due to fierce competition.
"Based on that scenario, it is necessary to boost the school academic syllabus and co-curriculum such as through the photography club which can help students earn income after completing their schooling," he told Bernama at a dialogue session with teachers at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kamil, here Sunday, during the National Education Tour 2017 (KPN2017).
He also said that cooperation between schools and the relevant agencies in the field of entrepreneurship, innovation and skills should be expanded, as it would enable students to hone their minds into always thinking outside the box with new and fresh ideas.
After Kelantan, KPN2017 will continue its tour to Terengganu and Pahang before ending in Sepang, Selangor, this coming Tuesday.
#1Malaysia Young Teachers Movement #GM1M #Husmira Hussin #Kelantan #National Education Tour 2017 #school academic syllabus #Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kamil