Sayang Squad urged to disseminate party information

Disember 2, 2013 07:02 MYT
Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor with Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil at Majlis Jalinan Sayang Skuad Sayang in PWTC. fotoBERNAMA
The Sayang Malaysia Squad has been urged not to focus merely on welfare and community activities but also to expand its role by disseminating information on UMNO to the people.
The prime minister's wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, who is also the squad's patron, said this would help ward off slanders and allegations hurled by the opposition against leaders and the government.
"If UMNO members were to keep mum, it will only weaken the party.
"If we continue to do that, it gives a wrong impression that the slanders and allegations seemed to be true," she said at the Wanita UMNO Sayang Malaysia Squad (Caring Squad) Network appreciation night, Monday night.
Present were the deputy prime minister's wife, Puan Sri Noorainee Abdul Rahman, Wanita UMNO permanent chairman Tan Sri Napsiah Omar, Wanita UMNO chief and National Sayang Squad chief commissioner Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil and Wanita UMNO vice-chief Datuk Azizah Mohd Dun.
At the function, Rosmah presented special badges to 408 Sayang Squad senior leaders.
Rosmah said she was proud that the Sayang Squad, launched in 2009, had achieved its objective of getting closet to the people, including becoming a bridge for government agencies in channelling the necessary aid.
"Although it is done on a voluntary basis, the Sayang Squad continues to serve the people in all corners on the country. "This clearly shows the sincerity of Wanita UMNO in helping those in need without expecting anything in
return," she added.
She said community voluntary activities, if done consistently and sincerely, would win the people's heart.
#Napsiah Omar #Noorainee Abdul Rahman #Rosmah Mansor #Sayang Malaysia Squad #Shahrizat Abdul Jalil