The search and rescue (SAR) operation for six more victims in the catamaran which capsized while on its way to Pulau Mengalum last Saturday continues today.

A Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) spokesman said the operation, which involved various agencies, including MMEA, as well as the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) and the Royal Malaysia Air Force (RMAF), resumed at 7 am.

He said among assets involved in the operation were KM ADIL, Kilat 40, Bombardier aircraft (MMEA), KD Ganas and KD Serang (RMN), C130 (RMAF).

Brunei Darussalam had also sent its team, including the use of a S92 helicopter, to help the search in the country's territorial waters.

The catamaran, ferrying three crew members and 28 tourists from China, was believed to have capsized due to strong winds and big waves at around 10 am on Saturday (Jan 28), an hour after it left the Tanjung Aru jetty here for Pulau Mengalum, a tourist attraction about 56 km northwest of Kota Kinabalu. --Bernama