Sabah's security has nothing to do with the purchase of an official jet - Najib

Astro Awani
Jun 9, 2015 08:16 MYT
Securing the borders of Sabah remains complex even with ESSCOM, said Najib in his blog. - File Photo
The Prime Minister in his blog today said that the security of Sabah has nothing to do with the purchase of an official jet and that there was no diversion or reduction of the funds meant for the security of Sabah in order to purchase the jet for the government.
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in his blog, on the FAQ segment, said that he is mystified by the logic of the claim and that the security of Malaysia is the top most importance to him, that lead the government to establishing ESSCOM to secure the boundaries of Sabah.
Najib explains that ESSCOM is made up of two components with first having to deal with security and defence management and the other to handle enforcement and public action.
He added that although ESSCOM ensures security for ESSZone which comprises of 10 districts in Eastern Sabah, namely Kudat, Kota Marudu, Pitas, Beluran, Sandakan, Kinabatangan, Lahad Datu, Kunak, Semporna and Tawau and has been able to prevent fresh intrusion, abductions remain an ongoing security threat.
He explained that this situation remains complex due to the nature of the of the insurgency in the Southern Philippines and the vast maritime border.
Najib also shares his gratitude to all involved and sacrificed their lives in order to protect and defend the nation’s sovereignty.
The PM stated the reason in his blog to a question pertaining to the the purchase of an official jet. The question reads:
“This country is being attacked repeatedly by terrorists who killed our police and soldiers. Is this the normal state of things or is this a security problem? If we care for security do we buy luxury private jets.”
#ESSCom #Najib Tun Razak blog #Prime Minister #Sabah