A maximum compound of RM1,000 may be imposed on members of the public for littering in public places.

Housing and Local Government Minister Government Minister Datuk Seri Chor Chee Heung said as a preliminary measure, enforcement officers of the Solid Waste Management and Public Cleansing Corporation (PPSPPA) would be empowered to issue warning notices to irresponsible members of the public who deliberately littered in public placed.

He said the warning notices were more aimed at educating and instilling awareness on the public on their role and responsibility in keeping public places in the country clean.

"If someone commits the offence frequently, we have no other choice. We will open up one investigation file and it will be forwarded to the Attorney-General.He will decide whether to take action or otherwise.

"But for the moment, we only want to educate the public through campaigns to inform them of their role and responsibility. After a certain period, we will decide whether to enforce the regulation or otherwise," he told reporters after launching the 3R Month and the Hate Garbage Campaign as well as the Introduction of Uniforms for the PPSPPA Enforcement, this morning.