The gazetting of national and public parks as no-smoking areas by the Health Ministry starting next year was well-received by members of the public.

Housewife Nor Azizah Ahmad Dahlan, 35, said the plan announced in July was to protect passive smokers especially children from the dangers of cigarette smoke which could cause chronic diseases.

"We usually visit public parks for recreation and to breathe in fresh air but the presence of some inconsiderate smokers spoilt everything for us. Visitors come for health reasons such as exercise and so on, thus the air should not be polluted by smokers," she told Bernama.

Nor Azizah was one of the 200 participants of the Smoke-Free Public Park Promotion programme organised by the Titiwangsa District Office at Datuk Keramat Lake Gardens here Saturday.

Civil servant Abdul Rashid Ahmad, 40, felt the gazette could discipline smokers apart from encouraging other smokers to give up smoking.

"It is better the gazette comes with firm enforcement as many smokers completely ignore the no-smoking signs even though they are in family recreational grounds," he said.

Meanwhile, Titiwangsa district health officer Dr Misliza Ahmad said the programme was aimed at exposing the public on the implementation of the gazette for national and public parks as smoke-free zones next year.

"For a start, we will create greater awareness and educate smokers to ensure the people enjoy smoke-free air in public parks.

"In the Titiwangsa district, we are targeting three main public parks namely Datuk Keramat Lake Gardens, Titiwangsa Lake Gardens and the Ampang Hilir Lake Gardens," she said.

She said according to the Control of Tobacco Product Regulations 2004, individuals found smoking in prohibited areas could be fined up to RM5,000. --Bernama