Residents in Kuala Terengganu view moon eclipse

Oktober 8, 2014 07:28 MYT
The eclipse witnessed by residents around Kuala Terengganu was seen from 7.10pm to 8.45pm. Bernama pic
Residents here, including students, grabbed the opportunity to view the eclipse of the moon at Pantai Pandak, here, Wednesday night.
The phenomenon of the eclipse of the full moon was the second this year after the first occurred on April 15, but it could not be seen in Malaysian skies.
The Terengganu Science and Creativity Centre (PSKT) organised a viewing programme to provide an opportunity for the public to see the eclipse.
Other programmes held in conjunction with the lunar eclipse were special prayers and talks held at Sultan Ismail Mosque.
The eclipse was seen from 7.10pm to 8.45pm.
According to local resident Hasbi Zuraini Abu Bakar, 42, each time there was news of such an event, she would not miss the chance to view the eclipse.
Hasbi said the move by the PSKT would also expose Islamic astronomy to the locals.
#eclipse #moon #Pantai Pandak #Terengganu Science and Creativity Centre