Residents court danger in turning flood into festival

November 21, 2014 00:05 MYT
With the year-end school holiday starting tomorrow, more children are expected to take to the flood water for their seasonal fun. - Bernama Photo
The perennial flood has turned inundated areas into water playground for children and teenagers here.
A Bernama observation at Kampung Pasar Lama, Pasir Tumboh here found children and teenagers frolicking in the water while some adults capitalised on making easy catch in the rising water.
Mohd Hasri Hassan, 22, of Kampung Tiong said he took advantage of the situation to earn extra income by setting a net in flooded areas.
"Fish such as perch, snakehead and others are popular with the people and it is worth the effort during this annual flood season," he told Bernama here on Thursday.
With the year-end school holiday starting tomorrow, more children are expected to take to the flood water for their seasonal fun.
Bernama also found several children were playing the flood water at the Sri Mulong housing area here without any parental or adult supervision.
Mohd Firdaus Saari, 11, said he took the opportunity to have fun in the water as his parents were not at home.
"It's fun, the water playground is right in front of my house, if my mother is in, I would not be allowed to play," he said.
His younger brother, Mohd Syafiq, 9, said they loved it when their house is flooded as it was not often this happened.
The authorities such the police and Kelantan Fire and Rescue Department advised the people not to turn the flood into a festival as it was courting danger.
#Kampung Pasar Lama #Pasir Tumboh #Perennial flood #playground #school holiday