Members of the People's Volunteer Corps (Rela), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), Village Security and Development Committees (JKKK) have been urged to assist the nearly 30,000 flood victims in Kelantan.

Ketereh MP, Tan Sri Annuar Musa said all forms of aid including food, radio and communication devices are needed in light of the worsening condition in the state.

"We hope that all agencies can come down here and offer their help as much as possible. We need to find a way so that the help is given out in a systematic and orderly manner.

"The existing radio communication must be brought to a specific location. We are encountering numerous communication breakdown problems and as such we are unable to obtain the latest updates from several locations.

"Many evacuation centres have also been affected by the floods, and focus should be given to these centres and move the victims to higher ground," he said when contacted today.

Annuar in his recent Facebook status had suggested the National Security Council (MKN) to declare a state of emergency in areas affected by floods, especially at Hulu Kelantan.

He also called on the government to speed up military intervention as the current equipment in use is not sufficient.

Meanwhile, Annuar had also urged people to not spread unverified information which can mislead government agencies and victims alike.

"These false reports from WhatsApp confuses the victims and make it difficult for government agencies to carry out their duties. Stop spreading false news as it does not help at all," he said, adding that all information should be channelled through official coordinators.

Annuar also urged people to remain calm and always make safety their top priority.

The second wave of floods ravaging the country has worsened, with more than 65,000 people in six states evacuated to relief centres.