Raja Nong Chik: No offshore investment made

Astro Awani
April 9, 2013 07:28 MYT
The Federal Territories and Urban Well-being Minister Datuk Raja Nong Chik Zainal Abidin today declared that the company that his father set up six years ago did not make any offshore investment.
Raja Nong Chik said this following a report by online news portal Malaysiakini which alleged that RZA International Corporation was set up by the minister, his father and his family.
Malaysiakini also had reported that the company made offshore investments which Raja Nong Chik failed to elaborate on when the news portal questioned him about it.
“Malaysiakini had on Mar 29, 2013 sent me an e-mail asking me several questions regarding RZA International Corporation. I e-mail my response on Apr 2, 2013 with clear answers incorporating, amongst others, the that RZA International Corporation was set up by my father, Raja Zainal Abidin Raja Haji Tachik on Aug 21, 2007.
“I also said that my father set the company up by himself for the purposes of making legitimate offshore investments for the family and the company was de-registered because it did not make any offshore investments.
“Despite my writing to them, Malaysiakini twisted my words,” he said in a press statement.
Raja Nong Chik said he is making the statement to set the record straight.
“I cannot and will not stand to one side and let Malaysiakini taint and sully my father’s good name with insinuations of involvement with “dirty money”, “tax evasion” and “illegal transactions”, all for the sake of giving their candidate a winning edge in the forthcoming elections.
“To attempt to gain political mileage by twisting the facts and misquoting me after having had the benefit of my written reply makes it all the more unethical and malicious.
“For the record, I was and am not a director and/or shareholder of any other offshore company,” he clarified.
#Malaysiakini #RAJA NONG CHIK