Racial tolerance maintains national integration - Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki

Mei 9, 2017 15:59 MYT
People should not be easily influenced by what is spread or goes viral, he said.
The attitude of tolerance practised by Malaysians over the years has strengthened the country and made the people remain steadfast and not be easily shaken in the face of some isolated incidents that have occurred in recent years.
Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki said social media reports on incidents and racial issues did not reflect the actual identity of Malaysians as a whole because the majority of people in the country love peace and harmony.
"People should not be easily influenced by what is spread or goes viral.
"Check and analyse information before spreading it and make sure it''s authentic. We have a responsibility to disseminate only information that is true and genuine," he said at the launch of the book ''Patriotisme dan Toleransi Kaum'' here today.
Ashraf Wajdi said in the challenges of a borderless world, basic things to practise is to realise the value of love, the value of patriotism that is based on religious values, respect for each other and recognition of racial and religious diversity based on tolerance.
Although there are some parties trying to disrupt unity and tolerance among the ethnic groups in the country but they cannot succeed, especially now with the younger generation voicing out and conveying the message of patriotism and tolerance, he said.
#Asyraf Wajdi Dusuk #racial tolerance