Race to remain important variable in social science research - Saifuddin

Mac 19, 2015 06:17 MYT
SAIFUDDIN: Race as an identity is inevitable but researchers need to look beyond the racial paradigm when conducting social science research in Malaysia. - File pic
Race will continue to be an important variable in social science research but other variables like gender, age, region, family background, religion and so on should be considered as well, said Global Movement of Moderates (GMM) CEO Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah.
"Race as an identity is inevitable but researchers need to look beyond the racial paradigm when conducting social science research in Malaysia," he told a press conference after chairing a roundtable discussion on 'New Horizons on Research on the Future of Malaysia' here today.
He also urged the government to strengthen its financing for social science research and to do more in nurturing young researchers.
"What we need is more research that will directly impact the process of policy-making. We are in dire need of policy-oriented researchers," he said.
Saifuddin said the government should have more public debate and hold discussions with stakeholders before formulating policies.
"In that way, the government would be one step closer to establishing a great nation," he said.
Noting that GMM was coordinating a consultation process called "Masa Depan Malaysia" (MDM) (The Future of Malaysia) with the Youth Academy, he said: "GMM is interested in nurturing young researchers. We hope to be a bridge-builder for the government sector and researchers."
"It is expected to wind up at the end of this year where the recommendations would be submitted to the government and it is hoped that it will serve as input to be taken into account in the formation of nation-building policies and programmes," said Saifuddin.
MDM was launched on Sept 16 last year, with a series of consultations with stakeholders aimed at producing a people's document on the future direction of the nation.
#Global Movement of Moderates #Saifuddin Abdullah