Public urged to monitor Alvin and Vivian's blog posting

Julai 27, 2013 20:10 MYT
Communication and Multimedia Deputy Minister Datuk Jailani Johari has urged members of the public to monitor controversial couple Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee's blog for any possible seditious posts.
"I urge the public to help monitor the couple's blog and social networking sites and report the same to the authorities," he told reporters here today.
Commenting on their conditional release on bail yesterday, Jailani said stern action would be taken against the bloggers if they breached the court's conditions.
Yesterday, High Court judge Datuk Mohd Azman Husin released them on RM30,000 bail in one surety each, with four conditions.
The conditions are, their passports are compounded, they must report to the nearest police station once a month, are prohibited from posting obscene photographs, provocative comments or articles which touch on religious and racial sensitivities, and prohibited from using network communication devices for the same purpose.
Tan or Tan Jye Yee, 25, and Vivian Lee May Ling, 24, were jointly charged with posting a seditious photograph on their Facebook page, 'Alvin and Vivian - Alvivi' at, with the caption, "Selamat Berbuka Puasa (dengan Bak Kut Teh...wangi, enak, menyelerakan !!!" (Happy Breaking Fast with Bak Kut Teh...fragrant, delicious and appetising!!!) and a halal logo.
Meanwhile, on a separate development he said that the Ministry planned to expand the 'Klik dengan bijak' programme nationwide, through the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission.
He said the move was to create awareness among the people on the importance of correct internet usage.
"Clicking the wrong thing can land you in trouble as we can see from numerous cases involving blogs, face book and so on," he added.
#ALVIN #Alvivi #Facebook #Jailani Johari #vivian