The public has been advised against buying and using five beauty products which had been tested and found to contain scheduled poison, betamethasone and mercury.

Health Pharmacy Services senior director Datuk Eisah A.Rahman in a statement today named the five banned products as Cellnex Anti-Sensitive Essence Treatment, Natural 99 Night Cream, Natural 99 Day Cream, SF Beauty Night Cream (Facial) and SF Beauty Day Cream (Facial).

Eisah said long-term use of betamethasone without professional health guidance would lead to thinning of the facial skin, cause irritation, cracks, pimples and pigmentation and detrimental to the blood circulation system.

She said owners of companies who continue to sell the products risk being fined up to RM25,000 or three years' jail for the first offence and up to RM50,000 or five years' jail for the subsequent offence, or both upon conviction.